Sub Title

It's not all about the food.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Out with the Hare, in with the Dragon.

Now that I write a blog I am contractually obligated to do a 'Year in Review' post. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to review. I haven't been writing the blog for an entire year so it can't all be about the blog itself. I also wanted to make sure this blog was "not all about the food", so I shouldn't focus solely on food. At the same time I don't want to get side tracked and start talking about football, you wouldn't like me when I talk about football. I guess I'll just make it a little about everything.
Year of the Jackalope

Enough of that, let's go over some things that took place during 2011, Year of the Hare.

  • I graduated from culinary school! It was a lot of work in a short time but it was one of the most rewarding accomplishments of my short life. Luckily I attended a great school and had even better classmates.
  • My chickens started laying eggs. I have to say that chickens are my favorite animal to date. I've come to terms with the
    Chef of the Day completed
    fact that I'm not a country boy and my chickens are nothing more than glorified pets. They are fun though. Like a fish they live in a separate container and don't get in my way or demand attention. Like a dog I can still pick them up and pet them, although they don't seem to enjoy it as much as a dog. They have personalities which is nice.  Finally, unlike any animal I've ever taken care of, they produce food for me to eat. 
  • Three different jobs. All of them have been great. I don't think I can pick a favorite. The best thing has been learning from very different people.
  • Umpteenth Annual pig roast was a smashing success. I've lost count which is the best part. I think I've roasted 8 pigs at this point.  
  • Got freaking married!  That was by far best thing I've done in my life.
  • Continued my streak of a lifetime without taking antibiotics. Although I fear this will one day be my downfall once the super infections created by people taking too many antibiotics gets me. My wife(still strange to say that) was given Cipro for a stomach bug they couldn't even diagnose. Is that really necessary?
    Bacon, the least productive chicken
  • Speaking of healthcare, it's hard out there for a cook. It's a hard knock life for us, 'stead of treatment, we get sick, 'stead of insurance, we get bills. I pay out of pocket every month to stay covered. Other cooks I know, most of them actually, gamble in a big way. One coworker was hit by a car while riding his bike. He didn't stay to get the driver's information because he didn't want to be late for his shift. Others put off doctor visits, probably out of fear that they will find out how much it will cost to fix their broken bodies. There was talk of mandatory healthcare for restaurant employees in Seattle, but that would bury some restaurants and cut into wages.
  • On a serious note related to the previous thought, the Seattle culinary community lost a very important person a few days ago. Christina Choi was the owner of Nettletown, and one of the co-founders of Found and Foraged Edibles. She was a graduate Seattle Central Culinary Academy and employed a few of my closest culinary school friends. She was also far too young. RIP Christina.
  • I think she likes me
  • On a much lighter note, multiple friends had babies this year. Congrats to Shelagh and Dan, Vanessa and Ogi, Lauren and Garry and all your little chubby cheeked droolers.

Enough of that.  Let's move on to the best and worst of the year.

Best new Seattle restaurant: Revel, Fremont
Worst restaurant experience: The Melting Pot, Queen Anne

Best Food truck that doesn't move: El Camion
Worst Food truck that uses food coloring to brighten Pad Thai: Kaosamai
Boisterous merrymaking indeed

Best food takeover in the city: Street Food
Worst and most outdated food takeover in the city:  Sub par Thai restaurants every 15 feet in Fremont.

Best fake cured meat derived from turkey: Turkey Pepperoni
Worst fake cured meat derived from turkey: Turkey Bacon

Best food I made with the help of a friend: Double bellied asian pastrami pig
Worst food I made on my own: Hungover Chicken and Waffles 

Best comeback of the year: Coca Cola made with cane sugar, the way Johnny Pemberton intended.
Worst holiday tradition fail: Coca Cola in white polar bear cans.  I thought they were all diet.


Enough of that.  It's time to look forward to the future.  It has been reported to me that 2012 is the last year of our existence on this planet.  It seems the Discovery Channel has stumbled upon some evidence that an ancient calendar carved in stone ends abruptly.  It's my hope that the Mayans pick up a new one at Border's Barnes and Noble before the end of next year.  Until that time, I will continue on my mission to cook, eat, drink and write.  Welcome 2012, Year of the Dragon!


  1. witty stuff frenchie keep cooking i am hungry

  2. Great work. Looking forward to future reviews and random entertaining bits. Oh and say hi to Roxy's for me.
